In recent years, mindfulness has gained immense popularity as a practice to promote wellbeing and reduce stress; however, a new phenomenon known as 'McMindfulness' has emerged, raising concerns among may mindfulness practitioners. In this article, I’ll delve into the concept of McMindfulness to understand some of its implications.

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Losing the motivation to practise mindfulness meditation is a common experience, it happens to most people from time to time. You might want to try some of my tips to help regain your motivation.

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If you’ve tried mindfulness before – perhaps by using an app of joining a class – you might have had thoughts like “This is hard” or “How can something so simple be so difficult?”. In this article, I offer encouragement to keep going and some practical tips to keep you on the path.

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It's been said that “mindful children grow into mindful teenagers, mindful adolescents and then into mindful adults”. Here's a brief introduction to mindfulness for children, plus a 'how to' video including the Square Breaths technique.

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This blog post highlights four of my favourite meditation-related podcasts, in no particular order. In different ways, these podcasts have helped my personal development immensely.

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During a mindfulness and wellbeing course I’ve been running recently, a participant highlighted a recurring obstacle to practising meditation which they’d encountered: namely, sleepiness.

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Today marks another annual Earth Day, which is a global event with more than a billion people taking part in events, petitions and clean-up projects to protect the environment. Every year on 22nd April, Earth Day has a different theme and 2021’s theme is ‘Restore Our Earth’.

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